Sunday, June 23, 2024

First Day of Summer

 The first day of summer is on June 21st 2024

The first day of summer is called summer solstice 

The longest day of the year

Summer is hot

We go to the beach

We go swimming

We go to the pool

Sit in the shade

It’s important to drink lots of water

If your mouth feels dry you need to drink water

We feel thirsty in our mouth

We feel hungry in our stomach

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father’s Day

 Happy Father’s Day is on June 16th 2024

I made a Father’s Day card

Spend time with dad

I hung up the Father’s Day decorations 

I went to Wendy’s with dad and Brianna

I felt happy

It was fun 

Sunday, June 9, 2024


 It is a fairy tale

The main character is Rumpelstiltskin 

They turned straw into gold

There’s a king

There is a queen

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Albert Einstein

 Albert Einstein is a scientist 

Albert Einstein was good at math

Albert Einstein was good at physics 

He discovered E=MC 2

E means energy

M means mass

C is the speed of light

He talks about space

He was born in 1879