Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Story Orchestra Four Seasons In One Day

Isabelle is a girl

She will go on an adventure 

Her friends are


The Apple Tree

Sping blossom

Summer’s heat 

Gather in the autumn 

And gasp at the cold winter but that’s not all

You can hear music for every season too

Quick the little girl is stirring 

Outside birds are gathering singing their hearts out in the morning sun

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Wild Fires

Fires are hot

It smells like smoke 

Fire fighters put out fires

There is fire

The fire house

They are helping to put out the fires

It's too hot

We stay home 

We stay healthy

The First Day of Fall

On September 22nd

The first day of fall

Fall is cool

It's cool outside

The leaves are falling

The leaves are orange

The last day of fall is on December 21st

Friday, September 11, 2020

When The Saints Go Marching In Book

 When the saints go marching in 

It’s about jazz 


The banjo is like the guitar

It has strings 

Drum set 

Cymbals and triple drum 

Tuba Is A Brass Instrument 

Double Bass



Clarinet solo


Call & Response

Thursday, September 3, 2020


There’s a pepperoni on pizza 

Pepperoni is a topping 

Sausage bell peppers 

Cheese tomato sauce 

Pizza dough 

Cooking in the oven