Wednesday, June 20, 2018

baby beethoven

baby beethoven is a giraffe
he is orange
he has spots
the giraffe plays the violin
wellington is a cow
he is black and white spots
wellington wears a cowbell
pavlov is a dog
he wears a letter p on his collar
roary the lion has a big mane
he wears rainbow colors
he has round ears
he has whiskers
and he's gold and brown
gumbo is a duck 
he wears a red scarf
he has hair
neightan is a horse
his mane is black
he has triangle ears

Monday, June 18, 2018

animals on the river

rivers come from the pond
rivers are blue
we sit in a bench
birds are calling
fishes they swim in the river
frogs are green
frogs hop in the lilypad
frogs they jump and hop
frogs eat bugs
frogs say ribbit ribbit
otters are like seals
there big and long
otters eat fish
they swim
otters are brown
ducks are brown white and green
baby ducks are yellow
ducks have beak and feathers 
ducks have webbed feet
 they eat plants  and bugs
a duck says quack quack

Thursday, June 14, 2018

animals at the park

at the park I see swings
I see benches at the park
trees are green
pine trees are green
playgrounds have slides and sidewalks
raccoons are very little
raccoons have triangle ears
they have gray and black fur
raccoons love to eat bugs
raccoons have whiskers
they have a striped tail
we see swans at the park
swans are very big
swans are white
swans have webbed feet
a swan swims in the lake
chipmunks are very little
they eat acorns
chipmunks are brown and black

Monday, June 11, 2018

animals at the beach

the beach has blue water
it has islands
we walk on sand
we use the shovel and pail
let's use the beach blanket
crabs are little
crabs are red
we live in the sand
seagulls are birds
seagulls have beaks
they have webbed feet
they have wings
we fly in the sky
sea lions are like otters 
they are big
sea lions have whiskers
they have flippers
sea lions eat fish
we swim

Friday, June 8, 2018

animals on the ranch

ranches have fences and gates
bulls have big horns
they have hoofs
bulls have fur
they like their space
bulls say snort snort
donkeys are gray
they have triangle ears
donkeys have manes
donkeys say yee ha
donkeys have hoofs
goats have horns
goats have triangle ears
a goat says maa maa
they all have three hoofs

Monday, June 4, 2018

animals on the farm

a farm has a barn

cows are very big
cows have round ears and horns
they also have spots
cows eat grass
and cows say moo

sheep are white
a sheep has triangle ears
sheep have wool
sheep eat grass
sheep say baa

pigs are pink
pigs have triangle ears
pigs have a snout
pigs eat vegtables
a pig says oink

horses are very big
horses have manes
a horse has triangle ears
they run
a horse says neigh

chickens are birds
a chicken is white
chickens say cluck cluck

roosters are birds
roosters say cock a doodle doo