Tuesday, April 24, 2018

ludwig van beethoven

Beethoven is a classical composer
he is from Germany 
he wrote contradance no.4
he wrote contradance no.5
he plays the piano
he lived from 1770-1827
he was deaf
he could not hear it his own music

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

animals in the desert

more world animals
camels have humps 
people ride camels
snakes have no legs
snakes slithers 
hawks are birds
hawks fly in the sky

Friday, April 13, 2018

Animals at the beach

animals at the beach
crabs have legs and claws
crabs live at the beach
seagulls flying in the sky
we fly in the air
sea lions are like otters
sea lions have whiskers
water sand an island

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

12 animals

stripes the tiger
wordsworth the parrot
jane the monkey
kenny the fox
soapy the bear
sidney the squirrel
neptune the turtle
divin the dolphin
wanda the fish
noah the elephant
beethoven the giraffe
isaac the lion

animals in my world

tigers are very big
tropical birds are little
monkeys are little
foxes are medium 
bears are big
squirrels are little
sea turtles are very medium
dolphins are pretty big
fishes are small
elephants are huge 
giraffes are tall and skinny
lions are big and strong
the world is a globe
earth is a planet
it's in the solar system
space is like the biggest

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

animals on the savannah

elephant are gray 
they live in africa
giraffes are orange and brown
necks are tall
giraffes eat leaves
lions is gold and brown mane
they roar
they live on the savnnnah